Featuring This Month

Is World War III Approaching? Is This The "End of Days"? What does the Bible Say?

The doctrine of Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel [I Corinthians 15:1-4]. What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. Jesus the resurrected Christ, seen by over 500 witnesses plus the Apostles [I Corinthians 15:5-7]. Paul's Apostleship [I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28]. All the Apostles preached & believed the same things [I Corinthians 15:11]. There is a Judaizing false teacher at Corinth [I Corinthians 15:12]. On the contrary, Paul says "but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest [I Corinthians 15:20]. Christ the second Adam [I Corinthians 15:21-22]. There is order in the Resurrection [I Corinthians 15:23]. At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ or the Church of Christ, to God [I Corinthians 15:24]. Greater and different degrees of splendor in Resurrection [I Corinthians 15:41-44]. Second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event [John 6:40], Resurrection of the dead at the last day [John 6:40, Matthew 25:31-36], dead raised [I Thessalonians 4:13-18, cf: John 6:40, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: John 6:40, II Peter 3:1-18]. The work of the Lord [I Corinthians 15:58].

Video       Audio Sermon (MP3)       Written Lesson (PDF)

Audio Sermon (MP3)    Written Lesson (PDF)
Church of Christ Correspondent College
Summit Theological Seminary

Worship Schedule

10am Bible Study
10:30am Worship Service

6:30pm Bible Study

Dickinson Place Retirement Home

4:00pm Sunday Service

Audio and Video Sermons

The Seed Lesson  (Series)

Setting Up a Home Church  (MP3)

Baptism & the Thief on the Cross  (MP3)

Book of Acts  (Series)

Preaching with Inspiration  (MP3)


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Many Thanks ...
We recommend the Brethren at Kleinwood Church of Christ for their Great Year End Gospel Singing. They invite all to ..."download and even distribute any of their recordings..." Freely they received, freely they are giving.
" There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out thru all the earth, and their words to the end of the world ..."
[Psalm 19:3-4, Romans 10:18]

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What Possible Good?

Turning the Tables on Our Pain and Suffering

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Worship Schedule

10am Bible Study
10:30am Worship Service

6:30pm Bible Study

Dickinson Place Retirement Home

4:00pm Sunday Service

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(((Sound))) Doctrine
Audio Sermons By the Book
August 25, 2019, Morning Bible Class
Eric Jenkins called Kelly up to the front of the auditorium "to help him with Bible class" - Kelly was in for a suprise...
   To Kelly With Love: Tribute to Kelly Lawson (MP3)
We are just that faithful remnant, neither Protestants, nor Catholics, nor Jews but just plain old vanilla Bible believing Christians.

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Kelly Lawson

Currently an evangelist at Ables Springs Church of Christ and volunteer chaplan at Dickinson Place Retirement Home in Dallas, and spreading Gods word via worldwide shortwave radio. Retired from 30 years preaching at Main Street Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas. Back from Lost Sheep Welcome Church of Christ in Hillsburo, Ohio holding meetings and setting up radio evangelism.
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Introducing: The Church Of Christ

The Great Commission
Acts 1: World Conquest
A History of Christ's Church

We practice Revelation 22:17
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."

Audio and Video Sermons

The Seed Lesson  (Series)

Setting Up a Home Church  (MP3)

Baptism & the Thief on the Cross  (MP3)

Book of Acts  (Series)

Preaching with Inspiration  (MP3)


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Just click this link and click the Subscribe button

This site provides access to Kelly's sermons in Podcast Form at our Sound Doctrine page
Click here to see World-Wide Radio schedule.
Many Thanks ...
We recommend the Brethren at Kleinwood Church of Christ for their Great Year End Gospel Singing. They invite all to ..."download and even distribute any of their recordings..." Freely they received, freely they are giving.
" There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out thru all the earth, and their words to the end of the world ..."
~ Ps 19:3-4 & Romans 10:18

Established in 2015 by Robert M. Lawson to the glory of God as a valuable resource for preachers and scholars worldwide, and for the preservation of sermons by his grandfather, Kelly Lawson

Come Visit Kelly at Abels Springs Church of Christ at county road 338, Abels Springs, Texas, 75761